A hobby programmer.
您们大家好、我是日本人。I'll be testing of Plume5! --- I'm sorry for poor language 阿”!
Developer in Greenville, South Carolina. I'm into video games, comics, and board games.
Indonesian in Sweden.
Ini adalah account utama untuk mastodon.
Nickname alien adalah nickname yang biasa saya gunakan.
Kenapa disini jadi aku? karena saya verified anakmanis _ ngga tahu malu mode ON _
** Contact **
If you need to email me:
Please note this is a masking email, I could reply with that email but if I get SPAM, I will delete and replace it with a new one.
Jos Schuurmans (EN)
I help professionals and teams tell their best stories - with purpose and passion. #nobot #notroll
@josschuurmans (EN)
@josschuurmans (FI)
@josschuurmans (NL)
Je suis le compte officiel du logiciel libre Pytition.
I am the official account of Pytition Free Software.
zeitverschreib [friendica]
Dies ist mein Zweitaccount zum Experimentieren und für längere Texte, die ich nicht in kleine Häppchen stückeln möchte. Hauptsächlich bin ich aber auf Mastodon unterwegs, bitte dort folgen.
#vegan #tierrecht #großesspielkind #mensa #freifunk #pansexuell #selfhosting #foss
In Pendelbewegung zwischen AC und NE.
Born at 326 ppm.
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
Profilbild von Brett Bean. Das pelzige Kerlchen habe ich als Tattoo auf der Wade. :-)
Mrs Mouse at work
Hi, I'm Peri the Mouse! Welcome to the Self-hosted life.
Mom, wife, #infosec geek, Award-winning #locksport; Cryptology, System Adminimatrix, SR DevOps Engineer. Xennial. PK&AB, (א), Transgender. Transhumanist. Despite being a mouse, I'm not actually a furry.
Hᴉ' I,ɯ Ԁǝɹᴉ ʇɥǝ Wonsǝ¡
Ivan Jurišić
Love :debian:
BA in Journalism since 2013 and unable to find a job. I spend my time cycling, swimming and fiddling with my home server. I like big cities, taking pictures and hot chocolate. Giving my first baby steps as an amateur radio operator. Also, very gay.
Open Science ✅
Science must be opened — because science opens everything else! Sapere aude!
Boosts are most welcome 👍
#science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #UnrestrictedFreeSpeech
Sceptic antifascist.
Programming for money, guitaring for fun.
Interesting life choices prevented it to be the other way around.