Articles tagged "antidemocratic"

Fear Dominic Raab will Target Human Rights Act in his New Justice Post

“I don’t support the Human Rights Act and I don’t believe in economic and social rights.” - Dominic Rabb, 2009

Stop the Assault on our Democratic Freedoms - United Kingdom

Let’s take a stand against the government’s insidious power grab and its attempts to stifle the voice of civil society

Mandatory Voter ID - Tory Govt Makes Astonishing Admission 3.5 Million Will Be Disenfranchised

Users without ID would experience a serious restriction of their experience, freedom of expression and rights

Boris & Tories Refuse to Reveal How Many Times Contact Tracing Turned off on Covid-19 App

Tory government admits it has data but is blocking release, prompting speculation that figure is embarrassing

Johnsonian Policy - The Lord of Misrule

Looking at the United Kingdom's gradual, cumulative decline until disruption to everyday life becomes too endemic to avoid

I Called Out the Prime Minister for Lying & Got Thrown Out of Parliament

Boris Johnson has lied to the country & to the House of Commons repeatedly for years

The UK Government's Death Of Convention; Rule of Law

How Boris Johnson has used the vagueness and vulnerability of Britain’s unwritten constitution to erode democracy

Some of Today’s Politicians have Learned Propaganda Tricks from 1930s Fascists, says Yale professor

Democracy is a fragile creation, and the Yale professor and historian of fascism Timothy Snyder should know

Is the UK sleepwalking into authoritarian rule?

Jeremy Cushing on how the government is attacking and undermining the institutions of democracy, Blaine Stothard on ministers’ demands for total conformity of beliefs and values, & Pat Farrington on the Tories’ cynical attempts to keep hold of power

Tory Plans to Restrict Judicial Review Will Weaken the Rule of Law

Proposals undermine government accountability. Wonder why that's a goal of any government? Answer: They do not want to be held to account for their actions

Boris' Covid Inquiry Delay Guarantees that Few Conclusions will be Reached by Before General Election

Covid-19 inquiry delay suits Tories - the next General Election will take place well before the inquiry is completed. This hides Boris Johnson's Tory party's deadly decisions during the Covid pandamic