Articles tagged "argentina"

Argentina, eternally in crisis and trained in resilience, clearly has an opportunity, and the worsening of the situation may be pushing the country toward a resolution, even if certain politicians do all they can to resist it.

For the first time in quite a while, the rest of the world seems headed down a similar path as Argentina, with inflation looking increasingly uncontrollable and a looming recession that will hit both rich and poor nations alike.

Argentina: Massa becomes third economy minister

Tough economical challenges ahead.

Argentina pledges end of money printing to battle 60% inflation

New Economy Minister announces plan to slow down Argentina’s financial crisis hours after he was sworn in. Sergio Massa says he will stop money printing to slow inflation.

Argentina: Massa orders immediate spending limits in first step

Some local markets nonetheless appeared encouraged by the latest developments. Argentine stocks and bonds, as well as the peso currency, edged higher on Thursday, led by the Merval stock index, which rose by as much as 1.1% in the session before closing essentially flat. Meanwhile, the parallel black market peso gained 1.7% to trade at 293 per U.S. dollar, while over-the-counter sovereign bonds rose 0.8%.