Articles tagged "lies"

BBC of Fear of Casting Boris Johnson in a Bad Light

This story appears to have everything – sex, betrayal, abuse of power, lies told in high places – so, on the face of, it is somewhat surprising to find it covered only grudgingly, and at the margins of the BBC’s huge range of output.

Gavin Williamson using 'Misleading' Research to Justify Campus Free-speech Law

A key example cited in the report, and mentioned in the Commons, is in a word, untrue

Tories Claim there were no National Shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Julia Patterson of the campaign group EveryDoctor flatly contradicted Hancock’s claim

Tory Activists Told to ‘Lie and Weaponise Fake News’ in Party Newsletter

The Tories are accused of a having a policy to ‘openly lie’ to the public after a local newsletter encouraged activists to ‘learn’ from Donald Trump

You can’t trust the Tories

Boris Johnson’s lies and broken promises

Brexit is Killing British Fashion

A slaughtering of British exports

Hancock’s Statement that the NHS did not Face a National Shortage of PPE - Untrue

NHS staff were photographed with poorly fitting PPE, with some having to make gowns themselves from bin bags

Boris Johnson's Government is 'Gaslighting' Britain About the Realities of Brexit

Fishermen say Brexit threatens to kill their business

Plans for all Children in England to be Back in School on March 8 are “Madness”

Head teachers warn of risk prolonging the “damaging cycle of stop-start schooling”