Articles tagged "virus"

Books To Rend Your Veil Asunder No. 2

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense

The Problem with Coronavirus is that it Doesn’t Understand Propaganda

Boris Johnson isn’t following scientific advice, he is running scared of a backbench rebellion by a minority of MPs in his own party.

Lack of Quarantine at England’s Borders ‘Risks Havoc of Covid Variants’

Medical experts question reliance on vaccination status and tests for arrivals from Europe, the US and elsewhere

Sage Adviser - Ministers Trying to Get as Many as Possible Infected With Covid

Ministers & Boris Johnson accused of allowing infections to rip through the younger population in an effort to bolster levels of immunity

Boris Johnson to Press Ahead With Lifting Covid Rules Despite ‘Worry’ Over Surge in Infections

Scientists and health experts WORLDWIDE urge the government to scrap ‘dangerous experiment’ as UK daily cases breach 50,000

It's "Devastating": WHO Scientist Condemns Euro 2020 Final Over Covid Risk

WHO’s Covid-19 technical lead says event in Tory controlled UK stadium likely to have spurred Covid-19 transmission

Thousands of Work-Related Covid Deaths go Unreported in UK

One example: More than 600 transport & storage workers died last year from the Coronavirus, according to the ONS, but only 10 deaths in the sector were reported.

Timeline of the Plague Year

Rupert Read & Ian Sinclair's dissection of the Tory controlled Government’s woeful response to the country’s worst public health crisis in a century. Also as a free e-book.

Virus Hotspots Could Lead to Third Covid Wave in UK, Scientists Warn

Boris Johnson dropping pledge to ‘follow data not dates’ - Again Boris is not following science while, at the same time, lying by telling us he is.