How to Enter Bills and Mark Them Paid in QuickBooks Online?

quickbooks bill pay


In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly seeking efficient ways to manage their finances. QuickBooks Online is a powerful accounting software that provides a comprehensive solution for businesses of all sizes. In this article, we will guide you through the process of entering bills and marking them as paid in QuickBooks Billpay Online. By following these simple steps, you can streamline your bookkeeping tasks and ensure accurate financial records.

Step 1: Navigating to the “Bills” Tab

To begin, log in to your QuickBooks Online account and navigate to the dashboard. From the main menu, select the “Expenses” tab, followed by “Bills” from the drop-down menu. This will open the bills management page, where you can view, create, and manage your bills effectively.

Step 2: Creating a New Bill

To enter a new bill, click on the “New Bill” button located on the top-right corner of the bills management page. This will open a new bill form where you can input the necessary details.

Step 3: Filling in the Bill Details

In the bill form, you’ll need to provide the following information:

• Vendor: Select the vendor from the drop-down list or add a new vendor if it’s their first bill.

• Bill Date: Enter the date of the bill issuance.

• Due Date: Specify the due date by which the bill should be paid.

• Bill Amount: Enter the total amount due on the bill.

• Account: Choose the appropriate expense account for tracking the bill amount.

• Memo: Add any additional notes or memos related to the bill.

Step 4: Attaching Documents

If you have any supporting documents, such as invoices or receipts, you can easily attach them to the bill. QuickBooks Online allows you to upload and associate relevant documents for better record-keeping.

Step 5: Saving and Marking Bills as Paid

Once you have filled in all the necessary details, click on the “Save” button to save the bill. At this stage, the bill is still unpaid. To mark the bill as paid, follow these additional steps:

• From the bills management page, locate the bill you want to mark as paid.

• Click on the bill to open the details.

• On the bill details page, click on the “Mark as Paid” button.

• Enter the payment details, such as the payment method, reference number, and payment date.

• Click on the “Save and Close” button to finalize the payment and update the bill status as paid.

Step 6: Reviewing and Managing Paid Bills

QuickBooks Bill Pay Online provides a convenient way to keep track of your paid bills. From the bills management page, you can apply filters and sort options to view specific bills. You can also generate reports to analyze your expenses and monitor your cash flow effectively.


Efficiently entering bills and marking them as paid in QuickBooks Online is crucial for maintaining accurate financial records and streamlining your bookkeeping processes. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can confidently manage your bills and ensure timely payments. Embracing the power of QuickBooks Online empowers your business with a robust financial management system.